From the Source

We are a herd of passionate & hard-working individuals with the mission to give our customers premium & quality product that can be enjoyed and consumed and trusted.
Hand crafted goodness
From our Organic Hemp Farms to our compliant Good Manufacturing Practices operations - each product is hand crafted and made with small fully tested and safe batches of natural ingredients. Only then are our products branded with the name that stands bold and confident - Moose Tea Co.
We Stand Tall and Do It All – From Farm to Kitchen to You (minus the delivery wagon).
Unlike the cannabinoids that are produced by large manufacturing plants and corporations, our CBD is best enjoyed without any impurities. All of our Moose Tea Co products are unadulterated from the moment they leave our facility until they arrive at your front door.
Moose Tea Co is a licensed formulator and distributer for CNE Labs. CNE is a proprietary and fully patented process converting our cannabinoids into nano sized and water-soluble concentrates making Moose Tea products the highest bio-available and most stable Cannabinoid derived product line on the market. Partnering with CNE Labs is another example of our commitment to be the best at what we do and serve only the best to the customers we earn.

Highest Grade Products
Our test results are extraordinary! Our proprietary and fully-patented process allows our Moose-creators to handcraft these unique gems that have the most “punch” through ingredient freshness and potency. CNE Labs has become a destination for innovative cannabinoid based ingredients supporting CDP manufacturers worldwide. The goal is to create the highest grade Cannabinoid-Derived Products (CDP) ingredients resulting in exceptional consumer values.
Learn more about CNE Labs and CNE Certification